The EastFood (IIFEX) & EastPack Surabaya 2024 exhibition is set to take place soon. Hundreds of culinary business players will be present to showcase the latest technology, and experts in the field will share solutions to smooth the path in the food and beverage industry. - EastFood (IIFEX) Surabaya 2024 will be held from June 27-30, 2024, at the Grand City Convention Hall in Surabaya.
More than 250 food industry companies, both local and international, will flood the exhibition organized by Krista Exhibitions. Thirty Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will also participate.
In its 14th year, EastFood (IIFEX) Surabaya 2024 will again be held alongside EastPack Surabaya 2024, an international exhibition in the fields of food technology, pharmaceuticals, and packaging industries.
“The participants of the EastFood (IIFEX) & EastPack Surabaya 2024 international exhibition come not only from Indonesia but also from ten other countries, namely: Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia, Japan, Poland, South Korea, China, the Maldives, and Russia,” said the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Krista Exhibitions, Daud D. Salim, during a press conference at Grand City Mall Surabaya on June 21, 2024.
Last year, the EastFood (IIFEX) & EastPack Surabaya exhibition attracted 16,000 visitors from various countries. This year, Daud is optimistic about achieving even greater success.
“The EastFood (IIFEX) & EastPack Surabaya exhibition also provides a comprehensive platform to connect exhibitors and visitors, complemented by Business Matching sessions for food and beverage industry players to connect and explore new business opportunities,” Daud added.
Ria Trianamiki, the Acting Head of the Food, Beverage, and Packaging Industry Unit of the East Java Provincial Department of Industry and Trade, expressed her appreciation for this exhibition.
“This event is highly anticipated and favored by the public, especially industry players in the food, beverage, and packaging sectors. Hopefully, this event can expand business networks, improve product quality, and enhance competitiveness in the global market,” said Ria.
For information, in the first quarter of 2024, East Java was the second-largest contributor to the economy on Java Island with a contribution of 25.07%, and nationally with a contribution of 14.46%. The structure of East Java’s Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is still supported by three main sectors: Industry (31.54%), Trade (19.01%), and Agriculture (9.71%).
At the exhibition, the East Java Provincial Department of Industry and Trade, through the Food, Beverage, and Packaging Industry Unit of Surabaya, will also participate by providing free consultations to MSME players on packaging design and types, as well as oil-free food processing.
Wahyu Prihantono, the chairman of the Berbagi Berbagi Bersama Berkembang (BBB) Indonesia MSME community, and an exhibitor at the exhibition, said that MSME interest in participating in IIFEX & EastPack Surabaya has been increasing year by year.
Wahyu admitted that this is due to the tangible benefits obtained. He has experienced firsthand how his business expanded its market after participating in IIFEX.
Budhi Wibowo, the chairman of the Indonesian Association of Fish Processing and Marketing Entrepreneurs (AP5I), revealed that in recent years, the international market, especially the main markets for Indonesian fish products, such as the United States, China, and Japan, has been sluggish. Therefore, many AP5I members are now focusing on the local market.
“The IIFEX exhibition can be an effective promotional tool for AP5I members to promote their products,” said Budhi.
EastFood (IIFEX) & EastPack Surabaya 2024 is a Business to Business (B2B) platform showcasing new innovations in the food and beverage industry, including dairy products, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, bakery items, chocolate ingredients, coffee, tea, gelato, ice cream, and more.
Various activities involving international experts, chefs, and gastronomic specialists will also be featured. The aim is to provide solutions for business needs.
EastFood (IIFEX) & EastPack Surabaya 2024 is supported by the East Java Provincial Government, the Surabaya City Government, the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Indonesia, KADIN East Java, KADIN Surabaya, the Indonesian Food and Beverage Producers Association (GAPMMI), the Indonesian Packaging Federation (IPF), the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (APRINDO), the Indonesian Cafe and Restaurant Entrepreneurs Association (APKRINDO) East Java, the Indonesian Catering Entrepreneurs Association (APJI) East Java, the Indonesian Association of Fish Processing and Marketing Entrepreneurs (AP5I), the Indonesian Catering Organizers Association (PPJI) East Java, the Indonesian Cold Chain Association (ARPI), the Indonesian Plastic Weaving Industry Association (GIATPI), the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) East Java, and various other institutions.
The EastFood (IIFEX) & EastPack Surabaya 2024 exhibition is open to business players and the general public from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, with an entrance fee of IDR 100,000 for the four-day exhibition.
Those who register before June 25, 2024, have a chance to get free tickets.