Suarajatim.com - Many people seek new employment while still employed at a company. The reasons vary, from wanting better income to feeling pressured or burnt out. However, this can bring several benefits for you.
Job applicants who apply while still employed are often more readily accepted by new companies compared to those who are already unemployed. Additionally, your current company can still serve as a "safety net" if you haven't found a new career opportunity yet. Here are some tricks on how to search for a new job while keeping your position at your current company secure.
- Don't tell coworkers, especially superiors. It's better to keep your mission of finding a new job secret. While there's nothing wrong with wanting to pursue a better career, revealing this could invite negative thoughts from your superiors or coworkers. It's possible that if any problems occur coincidentally, they might think it's because you've lost focus and dedication to your work. As a result, your chances of promotion could vanish. This could be very detrimental if you don't end up getting what you planned for.
- Look for job openings outside of working hours. Using office facilities like the internet and phone to search for job openings should be avoided. Especially if your office has strict policies regarding internet usage. If you need to print out your CV and cover letter, use your own paper and printer. Regardless, the office shouldn't cover the expenses of your job search.
- Give a plausible excuse. You don't need to tell your boss that you're taking time off for a job interview. But there's no need to lie either, like saying you're sick or your grandmother passed away. Just explain that you need time off for personal matters. Hopefully, they won't investigate further.
- Don't overdress. If you have an interview scheduled after office hours or during lunchtime, pay attention to what you wear. If you usually dress casually for work, don't suddenly appear in formal attire, as it might raise suspicions from your coworkers and superiors. Prepare a change of clothes in your bag and change when you're outside the office area.
- Check the privacy settings of your social media sites. Professional networking sites like LinkedIn can be effective self-promotion tools, but be cautious about the information you include on your profile. Don't advertise that you're looking for a new job. If you must, adjust the privacy settings on your account so that it's not visible to coworkers from your current workplace.
- Don't use your current workplace superior as a reference. Many employees make the mistake of listing their current boss as a reference without notifying them first. If a potential employer calls your boss and they have no idea you're looking for a new job, it could backfire on you. Instead, ask former bosses and coworkers from previous jobs who are willing to provide references, especially those with whom you had a good working relationship and left on good terms.
- Wait until you've signed a contract. Even if there's an announcement that you've been accepted at a new company, don't rush to inform your current employer about it. Wait until you've passed the contract signing stage. Only then should you submit your resignation and share this happy news.
- Don't ruin your relationship with your current job. At the end of your tenure, continue to deliver your best performance. Leave a positive impression on all your coworkers and superiors. It's possible that in the future, your new job might require you to collaborate with your current workplace.
Make sure to follow resignation protocols such as giving one month's notice and any other applicable rules. Don't forget to ask for a letter of recommendation before leaving your job.