Rediscover the Charming Tradition of Klotok Boats: Indonesian Heritage in Play - In the era of modern gadgets and electronic toys, there's a quaint charm to traditional toys that harken back to simpl...

Jolotundo Spring: A Sacred Haven of Natural Healing and Historical Majesty

Jolotundo Spring: A Timeless Destination for Spiritual and Natural Refreshment - Nestled amidst lush forests and steep ascen...

Exploring Surabaya's Green Oasis: The Ecotourism Marvel of Wonorejo Mangrove Forest

Surabaya, - The importance of mangrove forests in coastal areas is well-known for their ability to prevent coastal erosion. ...

Pendopo Agung: Unveiling the Origins of Majapahit Kingdom in Trowulan

When entering the courtyard of Pendopo Agung, we are welcomed by the statue of Raden Wijaya adorned in his majestic attire. ...

Eternal Youth and Natural Wonders: Exploring Sedudo Waterfall in Nganjuk City - Nganjuk City, known as the city of winds, owes its moniker to the strategic location sandwiched between two mountains, Mou...

Exploring the Tradition of Larung Kepala Kerbau in Trenggalek, Java

Experience the Tradition of Larung Kepala Kerbau in Trenggalek Trenggalek, - Every Friday Kliwon during the Selo month in th...

Discover the Rich Aroma and Unique Flavor of Bondowoso's Arabica Coffee

Geographical Factors Contributing to the Quality of Bondowoso's Arabica Coffee - Bondowoso's distinctive Arabica c...

Discovering the Exotic Beauty of Gili Labak: A Hidden Gem in Madura

Madura, - Gili Labak Island is located in Talango District, Sumenep Regency, Madura. More precisely, it is located to the ea...

Tourists File Petition over Noisy Roosters in Bali: A Mediation Attempted to Resolve the Issue

Tourists File Petition over Noisy Roosters in Bali Mediation Attempted to Resolve the Issue with Local Community and Foreign Visitors Bali, ...

The Kebo Ketan Ceremony and Celebration - Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, along with Kraton Ngiyom and the Ngawi Regency Government, will hold the Kebo Ketan IV Ceremony on Nov...

Derawan, Exotic and Beautiful Islands

Samarinda, - The fragments of paradise are called the Derawan Islands, located in East Kalimantan. Getting there does indeed...