The World Cap Go Meh Celebration in Singkawang

Singkawang, - For the Chinese, the Cap Go Meh celebration is the starting point for all activities. On that day, all evil sp...

The Tengger Shaman and The Ancient Beliefs of the Bromo Villagers

Bromo, - Not only presenting stunning natural landscapes, Bromo also has a story of local wisdom that is worth listening to...

Hotel Near Mount Bromo, Grand WHIZ Now a Four-Star Class Hotel

Grand Whiz Hotel Bromo Probolinggo, - For domestic and foreign tourists, it is now very easy to find a comfortable and clas...

The Kebo Ketan Ceremony and Celebration - Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, along with Kraton Ngiyom and the Ngawi Regency Government, will hold the Kebo Ketan IV Ceremony on Nov...

Nature Tourism, 500 People Contest to Catch Catfish

HAPPY - All participants rejoice to catch thousands of catfish Tulungagung, - Lately the return to nature movement is one o...

Kiai Upas Spear Pusoko Carnival, the Heritage of Hamengkubuwono VI

THE GRAND'S LEGACY - Hamengkubuwono VI's gift spear was carved in Tulungagung Tulungagung, - The Pusoko carnival fo...